Complete Faculties and Study Programs in Teuku Umar University – Teuku Umar University is located on Jalan Alue Peunyareng, Ujong Tanoh Darat, Meureubo, West Aceh Regency, Aceh 23681 and is a target for prospective students who live in Aceh and its surroundings. This time summarizes the profile of Teuku Umar University in the form of a brief history, entry routes and tuition fees. Let’s look at the following information together: Teuku Umar University has quite a long history. The existence of this campus began in 1983 when West Aceh scholars and community leaders collaborated with the West Aceh Regency government to pioneer the establishment of an educational foundation with the main aim of establishing a private university. Precisely on August 28 1984, the Foundation was officially formed with Legal Entity Notarial Deed Number 45 of 1984 with Notary Hamonongan Silitonga in Banda Aceh. This foundation aspires to build a forum for higher education in West Aceh, namely “Teuku Oemar Djohan Pahlawan University”.
The university admitted 1,640 students in the 2016–2017 academic year, covering 15 study programs in six faculties. This university participates in the SNMPTN and SBMPTN systems, with 40 percent of its students accepted through the high school results-based SNMPTN and 30 others through the exam-based SBMPTN, with other special methods as new student admission methods. [3] The university claims a total of 9,364 active students in July 2017, the majority of whom are from Aceh with some students from outside the province.
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Faculties and Study Programs
Teuku Umar University currently has 6 Faculties and 20 Study Programs consisting of:
Faculty of Social Science and Political Science
- State Administration Science
- Sociology
- Communication Studies
- Legal studies
- Faculty of Economics
- Economic development
- Management
- Accountancy
- Digital Business
- Faculty of Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Information Technology
- Faculty of Agriculture
- Agricultural Product Technology
- Agribusiness
- Agrotechnology
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science
- Marine Science
- Fishery
- Aquaculture
- Aquatic Resources
- Faculty of Public Health
- Public health
- Nutrition
Teuku Umar University Tuition Fees
Teuku Umar uses a single tuition fee system (UKT) to finance its students’ studies. This UKT is only charged one type of fee per semester without being charged a starting fee. UKT at Teuku Umar University is divided into 5 groups based on the economic capacity of parents/guardians who bear the student’s educational costs.
Following are the details of Teuku Umar University’s UKT:
Faculty of Economics:
- Group I lowest:
IDR 500,000 - The highest V group:
IDR 2.4 million
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Group I lowest:
IDR 500,000 Group V highest: IDR 2.4 million
Faculty of Public Health Group I is the lowest
IDR 500,000 Group V highest: IDR 2.4 million
Faculty of Agriculture Group I is the Lowest
IDR 500,000 Group V highest: IDR 2.4 million
Faculty of Engineering Group I is the Lowest
IDR 500,000 Group V highest: IDR 2.4 million
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Group I Lowest
IDR 500,000 Group V highest: IDR 2.4 million
Entrance Path to Teuku Umar University
Just like other PTNs, Teuku Umar University opens new student admissions through three routes, namely:
1. National Selection to Enter State Universities (SNMPTN).
2. Joint Selection to Enter State Universities (SBMPTN)
3. Independent Selection to Enter PTN Indonesia West Region (SMMPTN-West)