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Complete Faculties and Study Programs in Teuku Umar University

Complete Faculties and Study Programs in Teuku Umar University

Complete Faculties and Study Programs in Teuku Umar University – Teuku Umar University is located on Jalan Alue Peunyareng, Ujong Tanoh Darat, Meureubo, West Aceh Regency, Aceh 23681 and is a target for prospective students who live in Aceh and its surroundings. This time summarizes the profile of Teuku Umar University in the form of a brief history, entry routes and tuition fees. Let’s look at the following information together: Teuku Umar University has quite a long history. The existence of this campus began in 1983 when West Aceh scholars and community leaders collaborated with the West Aceh Regency government to pioneer the establishment of an educational foundation with the main aim of establishing a private university. Precisely on August 28 1984, the Foundation was officially formed with Legal Entity Notarial Deed Number 45 of 1984 with Notary Hamonongan Silitonga in Banda Aceh. This foundation aspires to build a forum for higher education in West Aceh, namely “Teuku Oemar Djohan Pahlawan University”.

The university admitted 1,640 students in the 2016–2017 academic year, covering 15 study programs in six faculties. This university participates in the SNMPTN and SBMPTN systems, with 40 percent of its students accepted through the high school results-based SNMPTN and 30 others through the exam-based SBMPTN, with other special methods as new student admission methods. [3] The university claims a total of 9,364 active students in July 2017, the majority of whom are from Aceh with some students from outside the province.

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Faculties and Study Programs

Teuku Umar University currently has 6 Faculties and 20 Study Programs consisting of:

Faculty of Social Science and Political Science

  • State Administration Science
  • Sociology
  • Communication Studies
  • Legal studies
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Economic development
  • Management
  • Accountancy
  • Digital Business
  • Faculty of Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Information Technology
  • Faculty of Agriculture
  • Agricultural Product Technology
  • Agribusiness
  • Agrotechnology

Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science

  • Marine Science
  • Fishery
  • Aquaculture
  • Aquatic Resources
  • Faculty of Public Health
  • Public health
  • Nutrition

Teuku Umar University Tuition Fees

Teuku Umar uses a single tuition fee system (UKT) to finance its students’ studies. This UKT is only charged one type of fee per semester without being charged a starting fee. UKT at Teuku Umar University is divided into 5 groups based on the economic capacity of parents/guardians who bear the student’s educational costs.

Following are the details of Teuku Umar University’s UKT:

Faculty of Economics:

  • Group I lowest:
    IDR 500,000
  • The highest V group:
    IDR 2.4 million

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Group I lowest:

IDR 500,000 Group V highest: IDR 2.4 million

Faculty of Public Health Group I is the lowest

IDR 500,000 Group V highest: IDR 2.4 million

Faculty of Agriculture Group I is the Lowest

IDR 500,000 Group V highest: IDR 2.4 million

Faculty of Engineering Group I is the Lowest

IDR 500,000 Group V highest: IDR 2.4 million

Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Group I Lowest

IDR 500,000 Group V highest: IDR 2.4 million

Entrance Path to Teuku Umar University

Just like other PTNs, Teuku Umar University opens new student admissions through three routes, namely:

1. National Selection to Enter State Universities (SNMPTN).
2. Joint Selection to Enter State Universities (SBMPTN)
3. Independent Selection to Enter PTN Indonesia West Region (SMMPTN-West)

Popular Study Programs at Getsempena Bina Bangsa University

Popular Study Programs at Getsempena Bina Bangsa University

Popular Study Programs at Getsempena Bina Bangsa University – Getsempena Bina Bangsa University (UBBG) is a higher education institution which was formerly known as the Getsempena Bina Bangsa College of Teacher Training and Education (STKIP BBG) established on September 5 2003 based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education Number 138/D/0/2003, signed by Director General of Higher Education Satryo Soemantri Brojonegoro

Study Program Getsempena Bina Bangsa University

.This campus is under the auspices of the Getsempena Education Foundation (YAPENA) which was started by two brothers, Aceh education figures, namely Dr. H. Muhammad Djamil Fatimah and H. Muhammad Daud Fatimah. With the enthusiasm to advance the world of education and the added feeling of wanting to help the government, in 1991 YAPENA was founded to express thoughts and devotion to Indonesia, especially in Aceh. H. Muhammad Djamil Fatimah died as a result of the earthquake and tsunami on December 26 2004. His life motto “Useful knowledge, almsgiving, and good deeds” is always remembered by anyone who leads YAPENA. At the beginning of the high school’s establishment in 2003, there were 3 study programs held, namely Bachelor of Education in Indonesian Language, Literature and Regions (PBSID), D-2 of Elementary School Teacher Education (PGSD) and D-2 of Kindergarten Teacher Education. Children (PGTK).

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Indonesian Language Education

The Indonesian Language education study program at FKIP, Getsempena University, Banda Aceh, has currently produced graduates who work in their field, namely as teachers. Apart from that, many graduates from UBBG Indonesian Language Education also work in the tourism industry and mass media sectors. in 2021 the Indonesian language education study program has also accepted and managed PMM students, also sending students to the 2021 PMM program

English Language Education

The UBBG English Language Education Study Program has produced many quality graduates. Apart from graduates, UBBG English language education students also take part in and win many national level competitions. One of them is NUDC which managed to enter the top 5 consecutively. In 2021, the English Language Education study program sent 13 students to the PMM program in addition to accepting students from outside.

Teacher Education for Early Childhood Education

The PG-PAUD FKIP UBBG study program is currently implementing the MBKM-based KPT curriculum. Graduates from the UBBG PG-PAUD study program have also produced graduates who are ready to use in DUDI, excel in developing early childhood education science and produce human resources who are qualified, professional and with character. The PG-PAUD study program has achieved several achievements in line with the current era of digitalization, including winning in designing multimedia-based learning videos, as well as being involved in the PMM program in 2021.

Primary Teacher Education

The FKIP UBBG Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program graduates undergraduates according to their fields, then the graduates have good quality, because the learning system in the PGSD Study Program is Outcome-based as proven by outcomes such as; HaKi, second national level achievement, currently students are also taking part in the 2021 PMM Program and other MBKM Programs.

Mathematics Education

The mathematics education study program is one of the study programs at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bina Bangsa Getempena University (FKIP UBBG) which provides education and learning for strata (S1) students with B accreditation. The Mathematics Education Study Program has implemented MBKM both in the Ministry of Education and Culture program and in general. Mandiri, one of which is the PMM program in 2021


The Undergraduate Nursing Study Program was established in 2008. The Undergraduate Nursing Study Program has been accredited “B”. The profile of graduates of the Bachelor of Nursing Study Program is to become a care provider (Nursing Care Provider), communicator (interaction and transactions with clients, families and health teams), Educator and Health Promoter (Education and Health Promotion for clients, families and the community), Manager and Leader (Practice/room management in hospital and community settings), Researcher (Researcher)

Physical Education

The Bachelor of Physical Education study program has been established since 2008 by Ministerial Decree 1638/D/T/2008 and has produced many graduates who are ready to enter the world of work. This study program has also received the KSKI Grant from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research, Technology and Higher Education 2021. In terms of lecturers, many of them have achievements in the field of sports at the national level, lecturers from the Physical Education Undergraduate Study Program are also listed as MBUS students at the Ministry of Education and Culture and Higher Education at the destination campuses of Harvard University and IBM. In terms of physical education students, many also become national and international athletes in various sports. This is because the implementation of the MBKM-based and learning outcome-based curriculum.

Faculties and Study Programs

  • Bachelor of Indonesian Language Education
  • Bachelor of English Education
  • Bachelor of Early Childhood Education Teacher Education
  • Bachelor of Elementary School Teacher Education
  • Bachelor of Natural Sciences Education
  • Bachelor of Physical Education
  • Bachelor of Mathematics Education
  • Bachelor of Performing Arts Education
  • Teacher Professional Education
  • Masters in Education Quality Assurance
  • Master of Elementary Education
  • Bachelor of Computer Science
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Midwifery
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing
  • Midwife Professional Education
  • Nurse Professional Education

Faculty of Science, Technology and Health Sciences

  • Bachelor of Computer Science
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Midwifery
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing
  • Midwife Professional Education
  • Nurse Professional Education
Scholarships that Support Ar-Raniry State Islamic University

Scholarships that Support Ar-Raniry State Islamic University

Scholarships that Support Ar-Raniry State Islamic University – Starting with the birth of a Sharia Faculty which was a branch of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta (1960), then developed with the birth of the Tarbiyah Faculty in 1962. Still in the same year, the Ushuluddin Faculty was also established as a Private Faculty in Kuta That king. After several years as a branch of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga, the three faculties which were founded in the capital city of Aceh Province were then affiliated to IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta for six months. After the issuance of Decree of the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Number 89 of 1963, IAIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh was formed, precisely on October 5 1963.

IAIN Ar-Raniry was the third IAIN after IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta and IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta at that time. Now many IAINs have changed their face to become universities, including IAIN Ar-Raniry. On October 1 2013, the President issued PERPRES Number 64 of 2013 which legally abolished IAIN A-Raniry and changed it to UIN Ar-Raniry. This development is closely related to the development of the scientific paradigm in general and Islamic studies in particular, where science is seen as something integrated and interconnected.

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Scholarship Ar-Raniry Islamic State University

Ar-Raniry Islamic State University provides scholarships for outstanding students who have economic limitations. The scholarships provided come from government institutions and private institutions.

  • Scholarships from government institutions include: Bidikmisi Scholarship, KIP-Kuliah, Budget Implementation Fund Scholarship (DIPA), and Academic Achievement Improvement Scholarship (PPA)
  • Scholarships from private institutions include: Bank Indonesia Scholarship, Mandiri Scholarship, and One Family One Bachelor Scholarship (SKSS)

Facility in UIN Ar-Raniry

UIN Ar-Raniry provides various educational support facilities that students can use. Some of them, namely:


The UIN Ar-Raniry Library provides a wide collection of books that cannot be read on site, but can also be borrowed to read at home.

Dormitory/Ma’had al-jami’ah

UIN Ar-Raniry has a dormitory that students can use as a place to live during the lecture period. This dormitory is very close to campus so it is very easy to access. This hostel also provides various complete facilities.

Campus Bus

Campus buses are a very useful facility for students. This bus will make it easier for students to carry out mobility activities. Students can use this bus to go to various places on campus.

Campus Mosque

Mosques are one of the facilities that must be provided by a campus to facilitate student worship activities.

Language laboratory

Language laboratories are needed as supporting facilities that can improve students’ language skills. This laboratory provides various services, such as tutoring, training, and various language proficiency tests.


The auditorium is a room that is usually used for large campus events, such as student exams and graduations. Apart from that, this auditorium can also be rented to the general public.


UIN Ar-Raniry Clinic can provide various health services. This clinic is equipped with an Emergency Unit (ER), polyclinic, laboratory, counseling consultation room, psychological consultation room and pharmacy.

Sports Facilities

UIN Ar-Raniry provides various sports facilities, such as the UIN Ar-Raniry Stadium, Badminton Court and Table Tennis.

Complete Information on Tuition Fees at Unsam

Complete Information on Tuition Fees at Unsam

Complete Information on Tuition Fees at Unsam – Samudra University (Unsam) is one of the state universities (PTN) located on Jalan Prof. Syarief Thayeb, Meurandeh, Langsa, Aceh. Currently Samudra University has received “B” accreditation based on SK Number 435/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/PT/XII/2018 given by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) valid until 19 December 2023. The campus offers 6 This faculty with 25 study programs (prodi) can be a choice for prospective students to continue their education, especially those who live in Aceh and its surroundings. Before choosing Unsam as a campus to continue their education, prospective students certainly want to know more about Unsam’s profile, history, facilities, majors and tuition fees.

Higher education in East Aceh was started in 1963, when Al-Jamiatul Wasliyah East Aceh Branch took the initiative to establish the Malikul Saleh Faculty of Economics which was affiliated with Alwasliyah University in Medan. In 1976, two high schools were opened, namely the High School of Law and Public Knowledge (STHPM) and the High School of Economics (STE).

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To regulate the organization and work procedures of the university and as a guideline for implementing the Tridharma of higher education, the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia stipulated Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 90 of 2013 concerning the Organization and Work Procedures of Samudra University as well as Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2014 concerning the Statutes of Samudra University.

In line with the need for human resources in various scientific disciplines that are relevant to current developments, especially in the field of the Tridharma of Higher Education, Samudra University received permission to establish fourteen new study programs in 2014. This permission is stated in the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 361 /E/O/2014 dated 27 August 2014. Thus, in that year, Samudra University had a total of twenty-five study programs.

Unsam Tuition Fees

Prospective students who plan to continue their education at Unsam are required to pay a Single Tuition Fee (UKT) which is divided into 8 groups according to the income of the parent or guardian who is responsible for tuition fees. The lowest UKT at Unsam in group I is set at IDR 500,000. Meanwhile, for UKT group VIII, the highest is IDR 2.4 million. The following are details of UKT costs at Unsam per faculty:

1. Faculty of Law (FH): IDR 500,000 to IDR 2.3 million
2. Faculty of Economics (FE): IDR 500,000 to IDR 2.3 million
3. Faculty of Agriculture (FP): IDR 500,000 to IDR 2.4 million
4. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP): IDR 500,000 to IDR 2.4 million
5. Faculty of Engineering (FT): IDR 500,000 to IDR 2.4 million.

Departments at Unsam and their Facilities

The majors available at Unsam are quite complete for both Science and Technology and Social Sciences. So that it can facilitate the talents and interests of prospective students who want to study at Unsam. The following are the faculties and departments at undergraduate level at Unsam:

Faculty of Engineering (FT)

  • Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Informatics Engineering
  • Mathematical Engineering
  • Mathematics and Natural Sciences Biology
  • Mathematics and Natural Sciences Chemistry
  • Mathematics and Natural Sciences Physics

Faculty of Agriculture (FP)

  • Agribusiness Agrotechnology
  • Aquaculture

Faculty of Law (FH)

  • Legal studies
  • Faculty of Economics (FE)

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP)

  • Indonesian Language Education
  • English language education
  • Geography Education
  • Sports Education
  • primary teacher education
  • Physical education
  • Chemistry Education
  • Biology Education
  • Mathematics education
Latest Information for List of Universities in Aceh

Latest Information for List of Universities in Aceh

Latest Information for List of Universities in Aceh – Aceh is a province located at the western tip of Indonesia and has a rich history and unique cultural diversity. In Aceh there are several universities that provide higher education for the people of Aceh and Indonesia in general. For those of you who want to continue studying in Aceh, here are some of the best public and private universities in Aceh. This State University in Aceh is a must know. This list can be an option for continuing your education after graduating from high school (SMA). Aceh Province has several universities, ranging from public to private. These universities in Aceh have their respective advantages. Especially in study programs and faculties.

Ocean University

Samudra University (Unsam) is a private university in Aceh located in Banda Aceh. Unsam has several faculties, such as the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Health, and Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Unsam also has internationally recognized study programs, such as the Informatics Engineering Study Program, Business Management Study Program.

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Muhammadiyah University of Aceh

Muhammadiyah University of Aceh (UMA) is a private university located in Banda Aceh City, Aceh. This university was founded on August 10 1963 and already has various faculties such as the Faculties of Da’wah and Communication, Law and Public Health.

Address: Jl, Prof. Dr. Syarief Thayeb, Meurandeh, Langsa Lama, Langsa City, Aceh 24416

Abulyatama University

Abulyatama University is a private university located in Banda Aceh, Aceh which was founded in 1980. One of the advantages of this University is that it is a research and scientific study center that is active in conducting research and development in various fields. They also offer complete and varied study programs.

Address: Jl. Blang Bintang Lama No. KM, RW. 5, Lampoh Keude, Kec. Kuta Baro, Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh 24415

Lhokseumawe State Islamic Institute

Lhokseumawe State Islamic Religious Institute (IAIN) is a state Islamic religious college located in Lhokseumawe City, Aceh. They offer study programs in various faculties, including the Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy, the Faculty of Sharia and Law, the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, and the Faculty of Da’wah and Communication.

Address: Jl. Medan B. Aceh, Alue Awe, Kec. Muara Dua, Lhokseumawe City, Aceh 24352

STAIN Teungku is under fire in Meulaboh

STAIN Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh or Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh State Islamic Religious College is a state Islamic religious college located in Meulaboh, West Aceh. The study programs offered consist of undergraduate and postgraduate study programs. The undergraduate study programs offered are Islamic Religious Education and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education and specifically for Masters, Islamic Religious Education is available.

Address: Jl. Campus Circle, Meureubo, West Aceh.

Getsempena Bina Bangsa University

Bina Bangsa Getsempena University (UBG) is a private university located in the city of Banda Aceh, Aceh province. They provide various study programs, one of which is Communication Studies, Law and Economics with A and B accreditation in their fields.

Address: Jl. Krueng Lamnyong Embankment No.34, Rukoh, Kec. Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23112

Indonesian Polytechnic Venezuela

The Indonesian Polytechnic of Venezuela, which is often called POLIVEN, is a private higher education institution with a polytechnic format located in Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh. POLIVEN is the result of collaboration between the Aceh Provincial Government through the Nanggroe Aceh Education Foundation (PENA), the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Venezuelan Government. This polytechnic began operating in 2009, offering diploma education programs that focus on sectors such as agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries.

Address: Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport, Cot Suruy, Kec. Want Jaya, Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh 23371

Syiah Kuala University

Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah) is the largest state university in Aceh and was founded in 1961. Unsyiah is located in Banda Aceh and has various faculties, such as the Faculty of Economics and Business, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Medicine, and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Unsyiah also has internationally recognized study programs, such as Agribusiness, Mathematics and Chemistry.

Address: Jl. Teuku Nyak Arief No. 441, Kopelma Darussalam, Kec. Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh City, Aceh 23111

Malikussaleh university

Malikussaleh University (Unimal) is a state university in Aceh, located in North Aceh Regency. Unimal has several faculties, such as the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering, and Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Apart from that, Unimal also has several unique study programs, such as the Fishery Product Processing Engineering Study Program, Agrotechnology Study Program, and Biology Study Program.

List of Scholarships Manipal Academy of Higher Education

List of Scholarships Manipal Academy of Higher Education

List of Scholarships Manipal Academy of Higher Education – Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), often referred to simply as Manipal University, has a rich legacy that began in Manipal, India. The institution was founded in 1953 by Dr. T.M.A. Pai, who envisioned creating a world-class educational establishment. Over the decades, MAHE has grown to become one of India’s premier academic institutions, known for its focus on excellence in education and research. In 2000, MAHE expanded its presence internationally by establishing a campus in Dubai, UAE. The Dubai campus aims to provide high-quality education in the Middle East, adhering to the same standards of excellence as the main campus in Manipal, India.

Scholarship Available At Manipal Academy of Higher Education

Manipal Academy of Higher Education was conferred the Institutes of Eminence status by the Ministry of Education, Government of India, in 2020.[21] Internationally, Manipal Academy of Higher Education was ranked 751–800 in the QS World University Rankings of 2023[11] and 215 in Asia.[12] It was ranked 801–1000 in the world by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings of 2023,[13] 351–400 in Asia in 2022[14] and 301–350 among emerging economies.[15] In India, MAHE has been accredited by NAAC with an A++ Grade, and the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) ranked Manipal Academy of Higher Education 16th overall and 6th among universities in 2023.[17] NIRF also ranked the Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences 8th

Scholarship Name

Eligibility Criteria


Application Process

Merit-based Scholarship High academic achievement in previous studies Partial tuition fee waiver (up to 50%) Submit academic transcripts and application form
Sports Scholarship Outstanding achievements in sports Partial tuition fee waiver Submit sports achievements certificates and application form
Financial Aid Scholarship Demonstrated financial need Partial tuition fee waiver (amount based on need) Submit financial need documentation and application form
Alumni Scholarship Alumni of MAHE applying for further studies Partial tuition fee waiver (up to 20%) Submit proof of previous degree from MAHE and application form
Early Bird Scholarship Early application submission before deadline Fixed percentage of tuition fee waiver (up to 15%) Submit application before the specified deadline
Sibling Scholarship Siblings studying concurrently at MAHE Partial tuition fee waiver Submit proof of sibling enrollment and application form
Corporate Scholarship Employees of partner organizations Partial tuition fee waiver Submit employment proof from partner organization and application form
Community Service Scholarship Active involvement in community service and leadership Partial tuition fee waiver Submit documentation of community service and application form

Student Life and Extracurricular Activities

Clubs and Societies:

  • MAHE Dubai offers a variety of student clubs and societies catering to different interests such as academics, culture, sports, and community service. These clubs organize events, workshops, and competitions, providing students with opportunities to develop their skills and interests.

Sports and Recreation:

  • The campus has excellent sports facilities, including a gym, sports courts, and fields. Students are encouraged to participate in sports and recreational activities to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Events and Festivals:

  • Regular events and festivals are organized on campus, including cultural festivals, talent shows, and international days. These events provide students with opportunities to showcase their talents and celebrate their cultural heritage.

Career Services:

  • MAHE Dubai provides robust career services, including career counseling, job placement assistance, and internship opportunities. The university organizes career fairs and networking events to connect students with potential employers.

Course Programs At Manipal Academy of Higher Education

Postgraduate Programs

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

 A 1-2 year program offering specializations in General Management, Marketing, Finance, and Human Resource Management. The MBA program is designed for those seeking advanced management roles.

Master of Technology (M.Tech)

 A 2-year program with specializations in Computer Science & Engineering, Digital Electronics & Communication, and Structural Engineering. It focuses on advanced technical skills and research.

Master of Science (M.Sc) in Information Technology

 A 2-year program aimed at developing advanced IT skills and knowledge applicable to various industries.

Master of Science (M.Sc) in Biotechnology

A 2-year program that delves deeper into biotechnological applications, research, and development.

Master of Science (M.Sc) in Data Science

 A 2-year program focused on big data, analytics, machine learning, and data-driven decision making.

Master of Science (M.Sc) in Clinical Psychology

A 2-year program that provides advanced knowledge and skills in psychological assessment, diagnosis, and therapy.

Master of Arts (MA) in Interior Design

A 2-year program that enhances design skills and knowledge for creating functional and aesthetically pleasing interior spaces.

Doctoral Programs

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Engineering

 A 3-5 year program involving original research in various fields of engineering.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Management

 A 3-5 year program that focuses on advanced research in management theories and practices.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Biotechnology

 A 3-5 year program for conducting in-depth research in biotechnology and related fields.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Information Technology: A 3-5 year program dedicated to research in IT and its applications.