Arsip Tag: Facility in UIN Ar-Raniry

Scholarships that Support Ar-Raniry State Islamic University

Scholarships that Support Ar-Raniry State Islamic University

Scholarships that Support Ar-Raniry State Islamic University – Starting with the birth of a Sharia Faculty which was a branch of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta (1960), then developed with the birth of the Tarbiyah Faculty in 1962. Still in the same year, the Ushuluddin Faculty was also established as a Private Faculty in Kuta That king. After several years as a branch of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga, the three faculties which were founded in the capital city of Aceh Province were then affiliated to IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta for six months. After the issuance of Decree of the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Number 89 of 1963, IAIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh was formed, precisely on October 5 1963.

IAIN Ar-Raniry was the third IAIN after IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta and IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta at that time. Now many IAINs have changed their face to become universities, including IAIN Ar-Raniry. On October 1 2013, the President issued PERPRES Number 64 of 2013 which legally abolished IAIN A-Raniry and changed it to UIN Ar-Raniry. This development is closely related to the development of the scientific paradigm in general and Islamic studies in particular, where science is seen as something integrated and interconnected.

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Scholarship Ar-Raniry Islamic State University

Ar-Raniry Islamic State University provides scholarships for outstanding students who have economic limitations. The scholarships provided come from government institutions and private institutions.

  • Scholarships from government institutions include: Bidikmisi Scholarship, KIP-Kuliah, Budget Implementation Fund Scholarship (DIPA), and Academic Achievement Improvement Scholarship (PPA)
  • Scholarships from private institutions include: Bank Indonesia Scholarship, Mandiri Scholarship, and One Family One Bachelor Scholarship (SKSS)

Facility in UIN Ar-Raniry

UIN Ar-Raniry provides various educational support facilities that students can use. Some of them, namely:


The UIN Ar-Raniry Library provides a wide collection of books that cannot be read on site, but can also be borrowed to read at home.

Dormitory/Ma’had al-jami’ah

UIN Ar-Raniry has a dormitory that students can use as a place to live during the lecture period. This dormitory is very close to campus so it is very easy to access. This hostel also provides various complete facilities.

Campus Bus

Campus buses are a very useful facility for students. This bus will make it easier for students to carry out mobility activities. Students can use this bus to go to various places on campus.

Campus Mosque

Mosques are one of the facilities that must be provided by a campus to facilitate student worship activities.

Language laboratory

Language laboratories are needed as supporting facilities that can improve students’ language skills. This laboratory provides various services, such as tutoring, training, and various language proficiency tests.


The auditorium is a room that is usually used for large campus events, such as student exams and graduations. Apart from that, this auditorium can also be rented to the general public.


UIN Ar-Raniry Clinic can provide various health services. This clinic is equipped with an Emergency Unit (ER), polyclinic, laboratory, counseling consultation room, psychological consultation room and pharmacy.

Sports Facilities

UIN Ar-Raniry provides various sports facilities, such as the UIN Ar-Raniry Stadium, Badminton Court and Table Tennis.